About me

I’m a PhD student in the Machine Translation and Edinburgh Natural Language Processing groups at the University of Edinburgh, UK, under the supervision of Lexi Birch and Barry Haddow.

My research focuses on low-resource machine translation and NLP. Moreover, I am interested in integrating linguistic typology knowledge with NLP and developing new corpora for under-represented languages.

I’m also a co-founder of Chana, an interdisciplinary group in Peru. Our aim is to develop the NLP and Computational Linguistic research in Peru and LatAm, with an emphasis on native languages of Peru and the Americas.

When I’m not doing research I like to walk aimlessly, listen to podcasts and take photos, specially of sunset time, spring or autumn.

Highlights and news

  • Paper accepted at AACL 2022: SchAman: Spell-Checking Resources and Benchmarck for endangered languages from Amazonia (camera-ready soon!).
  • Paper accepted at COLING 2022: Revisiting Syllables in Language Modelling and Their Application on Low-Resource Machine Translation.
  • Paper accepted at NAACL 2022: Quantifying Synthesis and Fusion and their Impact on Machine Translation.
  • Got interviewed by AP News about the recent developments on machine translation for Amerindian languages (link)
  • Paper accepted at LREC 2022: Building an Endangered Language Resource in the Classroom: Universal Dependencies for Kakataibo
  • Co-organised the First Workshop on NLP for the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP).
  • Paper accepted at EMNLP 2020: Bridging Linguistic Typology and Multilingual Machine Translation with Multi-View Language Representations.
  • Paper accepted at ACL 2020: Efficient Strategies for Hierarchical Text Classification: External Knowledge and Auxiliary Tasks.
  • Paper accepted at LREC 2020: No Data to Crawl? Monolingual Corpus Creation from PDF Files of Truly low-Resource Languages in Peru.
  • Organised the First NLP Summer School in Peru.
  • Best submission award at the First Workshop on Typology for Polyglot NLP! (extended abstract, poster)